Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Is it possible to give media absolute freedom?

Nowadays media has been given freedom throughout the world. The countries which do not give media the freedom are widely criticized from every corner of the planet we live in. But is it possible to give absolute freedom to the media? That is the question which every intellectual and law maker is asking these days.
The word media is a vast word; it covers both the print and electronic media. The print media in question consists of all types of newspaper, magazines and every other printed material in the form of books and journals. The electronic media covers the entire news channel, entertainment channels and every other channel, on the television and the radio (and last but not the least internet).
If we ask general public, whether it is possible to let media have absolute freedom the majority will say YES, but unfortunately the answer in NO.
Let’s say the media is given absolute freedom, and taking advantage of that, the concerned television channels put on air a program which is not suitable to minors, yet the children are one of the viewers of that TV channel. The effect will be disastrous. But you cannot blame the media they had “absolute freedom” to put anything on air.
It is a fact that a child has the tendency of copying what he sees around him. When Saddam Hussain ; the former Iraqi dictator was hanged, his execution was televised all around the world on news channels, and the after effects were horrific. A 10-year-old-boy from Webster, Texas killed himself while imitating the execution, so did a 9 year old from Pakistan. Similar reports came from Yemen were at least two boys were killed and another was injured. Same fate awaited for a 15 year old from Kolkata, India, and a 12 year old from Saudia Arabia (ABC news,
Similarly absolute freedom to media at times, is also disastrous for a nation as a whole.
Lets say for example; a country is in a state of war, and it loses some of the soldiers, the press and the media of that country get some footages of the scene and the coffins and the publish them. This creates disappointment among the nation as well as those who are fighting the war.
We are living in a dangerous world where acts of terrorism, unfortunately have become very much common. When such blasts take place we get to know about them through televisions and newspapers. We see bodies everywhere, hands detached, legs apart, and shattered glasses with blood everywhere. This thing creates psychological disorder among the viewers who are watching it. People become aggressive and frustrated by all those scenes. Whose is to be blamed? The media? But wait they had absolute freedom.
Keeping in mind that not all of the viewers are brave and strong persons, laws should be amended in order to safeguard the minds of the children and the weak people of our society. Furthermore media and the press should morally get their laws scrutinized every now and then by our lawmakers. In the end it is possible to give media a limited freedom but not absolute freedom.

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